If I was born Male, my mum can save a lot of her money from buying clothes and accessories for me.
If I was born Male, I can save a lot of time everyday in getting dressed up and make up.
If I was born Male, I can do more thinking replacing the time for rubbish talk.
If I was born Male, I can do decisions faster.
If I was born Male, I can think faster and solve physics problems easily.
If I was born Male, I will have more chances in getting a job as an engineer.
If I was born Male, I will not be so emotional and do things effectively without mixing emotion with work.
If I was born Male, I can have enough strength to carry at least 10 pieces of A1 Board from Sungai Dua to Saujana all by myself.
If I was born Male, I can forget about the monthly pain I am going through.
If I was born Male, I can ignore about the highest ranking of pain which is giving birth.
If I was born Male, I have to be such a successful person to impress my mother-in-law.
If I was born Male, I have to be initiative enough to find my wife.
If I was born Male, I have to take good care of my family like my dad does.
If I was born Male, I have to be very very independent and strong.
If I was born Male, I won't be able to be so "Manja" with my beloved family members.
If I was born Male, I cannot tie my hair up with ribbons.
If I was born Male, I cannot wear dresses and mini skirts in front of people.
If I was born Male, I cannot gossip around with my ladies.
If I was born Male, I cannot pluck my eyebrows and put mascara on.
If I was born Male, I cannot have discount for Movies on Thursday.
If I was born Male, the tendency of receiving flowers and presents will be low.
I am very glad to be born as a FEMALE <3
The Boyish Baby Girl in 1991 =)